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Our Work

ACOG+ Afterschool - How it Works...


If you haven't already, please take a moment to look at our page detailing the components of our Afterschool Program before completing your Interest Form.    


When/What:  ACOG+'s Afterschool program begins in mid-October and traditionally runs through the end of May/first of June - depending on the spring performance schedule.  The program usually begins with a focus on visual and culinary arts, and transitions into the performing arts after the winter break.  Please be aware that our curriculum typically does not include dancing or singing.


Our group schedule is as follows:
(subject to change)


Monday & Thursday - Ensemble Group (Middle school age)
Students must be able to attend both program days

Afterschool - 5:30.


Tuesdays - Fledglings Group 1 (Grades 3-5) *

Afterschool (2:15ish) - 5:00

*Elementary schools with later release times do not work for this day


Wednesdays - Fledglings Group 2 (Grades 3-5) 

Afterschool - 5:00


Attendance/Commitment Information and Expectations:

Given the nature of our program, and the emphasis we place on fostering a community of trust and safety among participants, it is essential that ACOG+ holds a top priority in your child's schedule. Here are some key points about schedules and commitment:  


• Please think in advance about other commitments or interests that your child has - or will have - over the course of the school year. Unfortunately, most school sport schedules don't work well (or at all) with our schedule. Please talk with your child about this before committing to ACOG+ to help avoid any surprises later in the year. 

• If you do have any potential commitments arise where your child would need to miss multiple sessions, we ask that you communicate this well in advance (preferably before you move forward) so we can determine the best course for the group. We often involve the group in the discussion to make sure they are all on the same page.

• We cannot guarantee that your child will be able to keep their slot in the program if they have multiple conflicts/absences.
• Our usual schedule for the year aims for each group to hold their theater performances between March and the end of May. During this "play season," we frequently hold extra rehearsals to support the cast, and encourage practicing lines at home to ensure everyone is well-prepared. It's a busy time but so worth it!  We will let families know performance dates as soon as possible. 

• Each performance is preceded by "tech week," during which we typically hold rehearsals after school most, if not all, days that week to ensure we are fully prepared for opening night. We expect full participation of all cast members. 

• Lastly, communication is key.  Please let us know as soon as possible about any challenges with your child's participation/attendance. 

Cost:  In order to keep programming available to all students, there is no fee for participating in our Afterschool program.  However, we kindly ask families, as part of our registration process, to consider contributing to our Annual Fund Campaign to support our mission if they are able. 


Enrollment Process / Waiting List:  We currently have a waiting list for all our programs. A strength of our program is offering small group sizes that enable us to build strong relationships with each participant and fosters a supportive community amongst our students.  In order to continue supporting our participants growth, current students have first choice of slots for the following year.  This does, however, limit the number of new participants we are able to enroll each year.  


We start contacting current participants in mid-July to confirm their return for the Fall. After confirming who will be returning, we open up spots for new participants and begin reaching out to individuals on the waitlist, usually sometime in August, to schedule interviews.


Mid-Year Enrollment:  We do not often enroll new students mid-year, but you are welcome to submit an interest form at any time of the year and we will add you to our waiting list.


If you are interested in having your student added to our waiting list, please fill out our Afterschool Program Interest Form.


Please Note:  Submitting this Interest Form does not automatically ensure or commit participant to placement within the program. 

Office Line:


Program Location:

Woodfords Church - 202 Woodfords St.

Third floor, Portland, ME

Mailing Address:  

P.O. Box 7527 

Portland, ME 04112

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